Mastering Economics Course (MRU)
Free online course offered in partnership with the Marginal Revolution University (MRU) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
What you will learn
If you're looking to untangle cause and effect in a complex world, then econometrics is what you seek.
Join MIT professor Josh Angrist and learn to master the econometrics "Furious Five": random assignment,regression, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, and differences-in-differences methods.
Think econometrics is boring? So it was once, but will be no more! Skipping theoretical tedium, we use real empirical questions to bring the numbers to life. Does a private university education pay off with higher earnings? Do lower drinking ages cost lives? Econometrics uncovers the answers.
Econometrics is a journey, grasshopper. Start yours today.
Course Outline
The Path from Cause to Effect
Think Like a Master
Ceteris Paribus
Selection Bias
The Furious Five
Randomized Trials
Regression Analysis
Instrumental Variables
Regression Discontinuity Designs
Bonus: Q&A with Master Joshway
Isn't Econometrics Boring?
What's the Difference between Econometrics and Statistics?
Are Machine Learning and Big Data Changing Econometrics?
What's With All the Kung Fu Stuff?
What's the Difference between Econometrics and Data Science?
Advanced Material: AEA Lecture Videos
Causality, Experiments, and Potential Outcomes