News and Publications
‘School of Choice’ Program Launches in Washoe Schools Powered by Avela
The Philly criteria-based admissions process is changing again. Here’s what to know when applying for the 2025-26 school year.
San Antonio ISD Launches New Enrollment Process for Families
San Antonio ISD Launches New Enrollment Process for Families Powwered by Avela.
Newark's School Enrollment System Sees Innovative Revamp with Avela
A Nobel prize for an economics revolution
The Nobel prize in economics celebrates an empirical revolution
Nobel economics prize awarded to 3 U.S.-based economists
Nobel Economics Prize Is Awarded to U.S.-Based Trio
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021
The Nobel in economics goes to three who find experiments in real life.
The 2021 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences honored the work of David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens, which changed the way that labor markets in particular are studied.
Are exam schools really an academic promised land?
Are exam schools really an academic promised land? Studies suggest students don’t do any better by attending ‘elite’ academies.
Vaccine rollout could ease crisis, but who gets it first?
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine to the right people could change the course of the pandemic in the United States. But who are the right people?
A Free-College Experiment
And a new study by Josh Angrist sheds light on free college.
Mastering Economics Course (MRU)
Free online course offered in partnership with the Marginal Revolution University (MRU) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
If you're looking to untangle cause and effect in a complex world, then econometrics is what you seek. Join MIT professor Josh Angrist and learn to master the econometrics "Furious Five": random assignment,regression, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, and differences-in-differences methods.
Mastering ‘Metrics
Interview with Joshua Angrist: Education Policy and Causality Questions
Who Gets the Ventilator?
Should a nurse or doctor who gets sick treating Covid-19 patients have priority access to a potentially life-saving healthcare device? Americans aren’t used to rationing in medicine, but it’s time to think about it. We consult a lung specialist, a bioethicist, and (of course) an economist.
The Accidental Experiment That Changed Men’s Lives
The Atlantic
The Vietnam draft lotteries functioned as a randomized experiment—which has allowed social scientists to study its life-changing effects.
by Tim Johnson, Dalton Conley, and Christopher Dawes
Parag Pathak Named Top Scientist To Watch
Parag Pathak uses data and algorithms to make public education fairer
After designing school choice systems, he’s studying student performance